If you have been told that you have Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, which is usually shortened to TMJ, then you have a problem with the muscles that control the movements of your jaw. Unfortunately, TMJ dysfunction is relatively common. TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joint. This joint is responsible for opening your jaw, closing your jaw, and shifting the mandible from side to side. You may think that you need prescription medications, or even surgery, to fix issues that might be present with this joint. The good news is, however, that chiropractic care could be a beneficial alternative.
What Is TMJ Syndrome?
TMJ syndrome can lead to significant issues chewing, talking, and swallowing. Some of the most common symptoms of TMJ dysfunction include:
* You notice a clicking noise when you open and close your mouth.
* It takes you longer to chew and swallow than usual.
* There are instances where your jaw gets locked or stuck.
* There is pain in your jaw that gets worse when you talk, chew, or swallow.
* You notice shooting pains that travel throughout your face and jaw.
If your dentist has expressed concerns related to your TMJ, then it is time to get this issue taken care of. That is where other healthcare professionals like a chiropractor can be helpful. What are some of the ways that chiropractic treatments can help you address issues related to your temporomandibular joint?
Some of the ways that a chiropractor can help include:
* A chiropractor can use adjustments to help alleviate irritation or compression of the nerves in the jaw that might be leading to shooting pains that travel throughout the teeth, roots, and cheeks.
* She can also look for signs of muscular imbalance that could be present in the jaw and use corrective exercises to provide more support to the bones, ligaments, and tendons in the jaw, fixing discomfort.
* Identify areas of tension in the jaw and use manual therapy to address them, helping your jaw relax while alleviating lockjaw issues.
* A chiropractor can use adjustments to increase blood flow and circulation throughout the jaw itself, providing more oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the jaw and face.
Instead of using prescription medications and surgical procedures, a chiropractor can use manual therapy and treatments to help the jaw recover naturally. In this manner, there is a reduced risk of complications and side effects following chiropractic care. Furthermore, by targeting the root causes of TMJ, a chiropractor can help you not only get better but stay better.
Even though there are situations where prescription medications and surgical procedures are required, a chiropractor might be able to help you recover from TMJ dysfunction completely without having to worry about more invasive treatment options. That way, you can improve your overall quality of life.
If you are noticing pain or discomfort in your jaw that gets worse when you talk or eat, then you might have problems with your TMJ. Even though TMJ dysfunction can lead to major quality of life issues, there are multiple treatment options available. So if you're suffering with this condition and would like to learn more about how chiropractic care can help you, click here to learn more.