Are you looking for help with headaches? If so, you do not necessarily have to take many prescriptive medications. There are other options available. For example, chiropractic care can help you address various headaches. Please look at a few common types of headaches below, and remember to contact your local chiropractor for help treating your headaches and preventing them from returning.
Sinus Headache
One of the most common types of headaches that a chiropractor can treat is sinus headaches. As the name suggests, these headaches originate from the sinuses.
You have multiple sinuses behind your nasal passages. If they are filled with fluid, you may feel changes in pressure in your head. This can lead to a headache, which a chiropractor can treat. Even though a sinus headache can be uncomfortable, chiropractic treatments have multiple options to alleviate the issue.
Cluster Headache
Another type of headache that a chiropractor may be able to treat is called a cluster headache. This is an unusual but painful type of headache.
This headache develops when there is a nerve issue in the face. The headache is only on one-half of the face. On the impacted side of the face, you may notice twitching, sweating, and paralysis.
Some people also complain that their eyes start to tear up and water. Your nose may also begin to run, but only on that half of the face. This can be a confusing, stressful, and devastating headache, but a chiropractor can help you treat it.
A Tension Headache
Tension headaches are the most common type of headache, often called cervicogenic headaches, as they stem from the upper cervical region of the spine. Many people describe them as feeling like a vice is being squeezed around their heads.
This type of headache develops because of issues related to the scalp muscles and upper cervical region of the spine. If there is an alignment issue in the spine, you may experience tugging and pulling on the muscles at the base of the skull. This can tighten the muscles on top of the head, leading to a tension headache. Even though this can be uncomfortable, a chiropractor can work with you to develop a custom treatment plan to address the underlying cause and issue.
A Migraine Headache
Finally, there are lots of people who suffer from migraine headaches, and these can be debilitating. There are two types of migraine headaches.
The first is called a migraine with aura, in which someone receives a signal (such as a flashing light or strange smell) that a migraine is about to start. The other type of migraine headache is called a migraine without aura, in which the migraine begins without warning.
Both migraines can lead to nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to bright lights, smells/fragrances, and loud noises. Some migraines can last for many hours or days. Fortunately, a chiropractor can help you treat them.
Chiropractic Care Can Treat and Prevent Headaches
If you suffer from headaches, they can be a serious quality-of-life issue. Fortunately, you do not need to deal with them on your own. Dr. Bonnie can work with you to identify the root cause, type of headache, and appropriate treatment course.
She can locate and identify subluxations (aka misalignments) of vertebrae using precise, specific, and targeted chiropractic adjustments. The spinal subluxations can be treated using a chiropractic instrument, such as the Activator, or a manual adjustment delivered by the chiropractor's hands.
If you would like to learn more about our office, Dr. Bonnie’s treatment techniques, and/or the benefits of chiropractic treatments, click here.